Prove that a positive integer nn is a prime number if no prime number less than or equal to nn divides nn.


Step by Step Explanation:
  1. Let nn be a positive integer such that any prime number less than or equal to nn does not divide nn.
    Now, we have to prove that nn is prime.
  2. Let us assume nn is not a prime integer, then nn can be written as
    n=yzn=yz where 1<yz1<yz
    ynyn and znzn
  3. Let pp be a prime factor of yy, then, pynpyn and pp divides yy.
  4. By eq(1), we get a prime number less than or equal to n that divides n. This contradicts the given fact that any prime number less than or equal to n does not divide n, therefore, our assumption that n is not a prime integer was wrong.
  5. Hence, if no prime number less than or equal to n divides n, then n is a prime integer.

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